Sunday, December 13, 2015

Teacher and Bus Driver Christmas Gift Idea

Teacher Tag

 About this time of year I find myself looking for a gift idea for teachers and bus drivers.  I want it to be something they would both enjoy or appreciate as well as something that won't break the bank.  I ran across this great idea on the Over the Moon blog.  I thought it was brilliant!  Using the basic idea of the tag I created Redbox Gift tags for Teacher's and Bus Drivers.  Combine the tag with a package of microwave popcorn and you have a great gift for around $2.00! 

You can purchase the Redbox Movie codes at the Redbox website.  They can be purchased in bundles of 5, 10, 20 or more.  Once the codes are emailed to you simply write the code on the tag, hook the tag to the popcorn and you're done.  So easy!

Bus Driver / Bus Tech Tag